Evergreen Valley College - Language Arts Building
As the EVC campus is culturally diverse and the Language Arts program caters to students of different backgrounds, it is conceived as a ‘cultural center’ and gathering place for both formal and informal uses. Collective group activity and achievement are the focus. With its central location and welcoming expressive forms and features, the center acts as a multi-cultural hub of social activity and celebration of linguistic skills acquisition.
The exterior finishes are based upon the District’s Design Standards. The primary finish is an integral color cement plaster that will allow for durability of finish with an accent of neutral colors. Unique to this design is the integration of a custom graphic integrated into a series of prefinished perforated metal panels. This screen provides an opportunity for a unique presence to the primary elevation of the Language Arts Building while also addressing solar daylighting control to these classrooms.
The project is tracking as a LEED Gold Certification that will be healthy & inspiring for the students and faculty of the building and a demonstration of sustainable stewardship for the campus and community.
I want to express my sincere appreciation to JKAE for the enthusiasm, attention to detail, and expertise you brought into this project. It’s been a lovely pleasure working with this team, and I look forward to successful future opportunities together filled with more laughter.
- Project Manager, Evergreen Valley College